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OPINION : The Change Kenya Needs Begins with US- NGUGI
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Oct,24-2017 14:16:49
LOWELL, Mass.,_There is a serious dearth of visionary leadership in Kenya at the moment and I am not personally claiming that I have a magic wand to fix the problems or reverse the dangerous path the nation has taken.

What I can do is only add my two cents to it from the outside. I say that the great end of life isn't knowledge but it's application for for the good of the human race. I see what is and what can be and I personally believe that the change Kenya needs and Kenyans say they desire, begins from within. We need a campaign from within to crusade against tribal hostilities, rancour and unfounded doubts about others' abilities to lead.

In the interest of the nation, those with political platforms must lead by example, those in civil service must be in it for the love of service and not personal enrichment and those behind the pulpits must challenge and teach their flock that that love is a gift from God and those who are different are unique manifestations of God's spirit.

I must point out that at this point in time, the Nation must not worry whether there will be peaceful elections or not at all. It has been over 5 decades of independence and other nations have continously provided both positive and negative precedents making it easier for Kenyans to chart a better path as a people. Our political quagmires and confusions must be solved within the framework of our Constitution and never outside of it.

The change that Kenya needs begins with you and I, the direction of the country will be decided by meaningful conversations between people and reasonable debate that fosters unity in our diversity.

To my fellow Kenyans in the Diaspora: Be the change you clamor, let us coduct ourselves with the authenticity and respect we seek in our leaders and in the midst of our debates, let us not slight one another or promote meaningless propaganda devoid of good faith and spirit, such habits have no place in our social and political discourse.


Simon Ngugi
Lowell, Massachusetts